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160308-N-N0204-001.JPG Photo By: U.S. Naval Research Laboratory

ICE CAMP SPARGO, Artic Circle - U.S. Naval Research Laboratory (NRL) scientists from the Marine Geoscience Division, and a U.S. Naval Academy (USNA) Midshipman intern, participating in the Navy’s March 2016 ICe Exercise (ICEX), lived and worked for one week at the ICEX Ice Camp located above the Arctic Circle on an ice floe in the Beaufort Sea. During the day, usually in minus 25- to minus 45-degree temperatures, the team worked collecting ice thickness and snow character data in support of their NRL Sea Ice Physics research. Coincident airborne sensor data was also collected over the ground team’s work sites. Pictured (l-r): Dr. Andrei Abelev, NRL; Dr. Rick Hagen, NRL; MIDN Haadi ElSaawy, USNA; and Dr. Joan Gardner. (U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 2nd Class Tyler N. Thompson) RELEASED


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