Home : Doing Business : Technology Transfer : Commercial Licenses


NRL has an extensive portfolio of over 1200 patents covering important technological developments in a wide variety of scientific and engineering disciplines. With the implementation of new policy, NRL additionally has growing portfolio of software available for licensing. Both these inventions and software are available for commercial licensing, in many cases, partially exclusively. Commercial Licenses are intended for partners who wish to manufacture and sell products in both private sector and government markets, or in solely private sector markets. If your intention is to sell products solely to the US Government, please see Government Purpose Licenses.

NRL technologies available for licensing can be found here.

Parties interested in obtaining a Commercial License are required to submit a completed Application for License to Practice a Navy Invention to:

Technology Transfer Office
U. S. Naval Research Laboratory
Code 1004
4555 Overlook Avenue, S.W.
Washington, DC 20375-5320
or via email to 

For more information about commercially licensing Navy inventions and software, contact us.