What is an EPA?
EPAs are designed to encourage and enhance study in scientific disciplines at all educational levels. Under an EPA an educational institution can:
Obtain loans or outright transfers of scientific equipment;
Obtain the services of NRL personnel as instructors of science courses or their assistance in development of science courses and materials;
Obtain sabbatical opportunities at NRL for faculty and internships for students;
Become involved in NRL projects including research as well as technology transfer/transition projects, along with the opportunity for students to obtain academic credit for participation in such projects; and,
Obtain academic and career advice and assistance for students.
Who may participate in an EPA?
Educational institutions in the United States, including any local educational agency, colleges, universities, or nonprofit (501c3) institutions dedicated to improving science, mathematics, and engineering, business, law, technology transfer or transition, and engineering education can participate.
When is an EPA appropriate?
EPAs are appropriate for any educational institution or nonprofit which seeks to build or improve STEM educational and research capacity through partnership with NRL.
For additional information about EPAs, please contact us.