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    Workforce Recruitment Program

The Workforce Recruitment Program (WRP) is a recruitment and referral program that connects federal and private-sector employers nationwide with highly motivated college students and recent graduates with disabilities who are eager to demonstrate their abilities in the workplace through summer or permanent jobs.

Candidates apply to the WRP each fall through participating campuses managed by a School Coordinator and can receive elective informational interviews with federal employees who serve as volunteer recruiters.

Candidates represent all majors, and range from college freshmen to graduate- and law-school students. Information from candidates is compiled in a searchable database that is available through the WRP website to employers.
Find Your Dream Job through WRP
  • Get access to Federal Government jobs and internships nationwide. Employers can contact you directly about positions that match your skills and qualifications.
  • Strengthen your resume and interview skills. A WRP Recruiter will personally help you with career advice and an application review as part of an informational interview.
  • Expand your knowledge of Federal Government employment, including the Schedule A hiring authority for people with disabilities.
  • Explore career opportunities and take advantage of the career and disability services at your school as part of the WRP application process.

Participation is Easy
Current, full-time undergraduate or graduate students with disabilities, and recent graduates who received a postsecondary degree on or after April 1, 2021 from a U.S. accredited college or university, will be eligible to apply for WRP in fall 2023. Students can be taking a part-time course load if they meet certain criteria. Candidates must be U.S. citizens who are eligible for the federal Schedule A Hiring Authority.

How to Register
Students and recent graduates with disabilities apply through WRP-participating schools. Find out from your school’s disability services or career services coordinator whether your college is participating in the WRP. If it is not, share this website and information about the program and ask them to contact the WRP Program Managers at wrp@dol.gov.

WRP is an annual program. Schools can register from April-June, and student and recent graduate candidate applications open in late August.