Home : Doing Business : Technology Transfer : Work for Non-Federal Entities Agreements


What is a Work for Non-Federal Entities Agreement?

As a Department of Defense laboratory, NRL can use 10 USC 2539b or other statutory authorities to make available to any person or entity (including universities), samples, drawings, manufacturing or other information, equipment, test facilities or other facilities, and can provide research services.

Who may participate in such agreements?

Any person or entity, which includes an individual, partnership, corporation, association, state, local, or tribunal government, or an agency or instrumentality of the United States. Thus, the only limitation on participants is that they may not be agencies of foreign governments.

When is such an agreement appropriate?

These agreements should be used when there is no need for technical collaboration between NRL and the requesting entity. The entity making the request must agree that NRL’s entering into the agreement will not constitute undue competition with the private sector, and each agreement requires the requesting entity to agree to indemnify and hold harmless NRL and the United States except for willful misconduct or gross negligence in performance of the agreement.

Does NRL have to be paid for the articles or services provided?

NRL must be compensated for services provided, however compensation may not be necessary for samples, drawings, equipment loans, etc. Compensation must be in advance of NRL rendering services but can be paid incrementally.

For additional information about Work for Non-Federal Entities Agreements, please contact the Office of General Counsel.