Home : Contact Us

    Contacting NRL

Please select a recipient from the drop-down menu below. Provide your full name, contact information and your request for information. ALL FIELDS MUST BE FILLED TO SUBMIT A REQUEST. 

Please check the box below your message if a response is required, or you may directly contact one of the offices highlighted under Quick Reference to the right of this screen. 

Quick Reference

See 'Recipient' drop-down at left for additional information.

Media Queries/Public Affairs

  • (202) 480-3746
  • nrlpao@us.navy.mil

Employment Verification

  • See 'Contact Us' drop-down at top of screen for further instruction
  • nrlpao@us.navy.mil

Inspector General

  • (202) 767-6543
  • IG@nrl.navy.mil

FOIA Office

  • Fax: (202) 404-8317
  • FOIA@nrl.navy.mil

Human Resource Office

  • (202) 767-3031
  • nrl_hroservicedesk@us.navy.mil

NRL Library

  • (202) 767-2134
  • InfoDesk_Library@nrl.navy.mil

Technology Transfer

  • N/A
  • techtran@nrl.navy.mil

EEO/Diversity Office

  • (202) 528-9687
  • eeo@nrl.navy.mil


  • (202) 923-1495
  • nrlpao@us.navy.mil

Marine Meteorology Division

  • (831) 656-4721/4758
  • meteorinfo@nrl.navy.mil

NRL-South, Bay Saint Louis, MS

  • N/A
  • oceaninfo@nrl.navy.mil