PLEASE NOTE: As a result of increases in the Health Protection Condition (HPCON) level due to COVID-19, our offices are limited to mission-essential personnel only and maximizing the use of telework for other personnel. This means that we are unable to handle requests sent via traditional methods and can only respond to electronic inquiries while under elevated HPCON levels.
Home : Contact Us : FOIA

    Freedom Of Information Act

NRL FOIA Coordinator: M. Renee Baxter

To contact us:
Fax:  (202) 404-8317
Mail:    U.S. Naval Research Laboratory
            Freedom of Information Office, Code 1008.14
            4555 Overlook Avenue, SW
   Washington, D.C.  20375
The Naval Research Laboratory (NRL) is responsible for processing Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests in compliance with United States Code (5 U.S.C.  § 552). The purpose of this page is to assist you in requesting various types and categories of public information relating to NRL programs. 
In most cases, NRL records are subject to the provisions of the Privacy Act of 1974, with records releasable subject to the restrictions set forth in those laws.

Additional Information

For further questions or to speak with a FOIA Specialist, please click here.