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    Equal Employment Opportunity and Diversity Program Office

Phone: (202) 528-9687


About EEO

Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) is a fundamental NRL policy for all employees regardless of race, color, religion, national origin, sex (including pregnancy, gender identity and sexual orientation), age (40 years and over), disability (mental and physical), genetic information and reprisal (for participating in EEO activity).

The NRL EEO and Diversity Program Office is a service organization whose major functions include counseling employees in an effort to resolve employee/management conflicts, processing formal discrimination complaints, handling requests for reasonable accommodations, providing accommodations, providing EEO training, and managing NRL’s MD-715 affirmative employment program. The office is also responsible for sponsoring and recognizing special emphasis observances to promote awareness and increase sensitivity and appreciation of the issues or the history relating to females, individuals with disabilities and minorities.


Commitment to Inclusion and Diversity

NRL is committed to an inclusive workplace that celebrates diversity. Our Nation comprises a broad spectrum of people with a diversity of backgrounds, ideas, and points of view. NRL strives to ensure the composition of our workforce reflects that of our Nation. We encourage and support all of our employees regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, national origin, age, disability, sexual orientation, education, or work experiences. We are committed to equal opportunity for employment, advancement, and recognition throughout all of our divisions, programs, and worksites.

Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC)

Federal Laws prohibit workplace discrimination and are enforced by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC). These are passed by Congress and signed by the President. For a complete list of laws enforced by Equal Employment Opportunity Commission visit the EEOC website.

Additional Resources & References

You may also click here to contact an NRL EEO Officer, Counselor, the EEO Deputy Director, Special Emphasis Program Manager or the Individuals with Disabilities Program Manager.