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NRL's Innovative TSN and TSRV Technology Enhances Navy Ship Readiness
September 19, 2024
NRL's Innovative TSN and TSRV Technology Enhances Navy Ship Readiness

VXS-1 Squadron Leads the Charge, Tracking Hurricane Francine in Real-Time
September 13, 2024
NRL Scientific Development Squadron ONE (VXS) 1

NRL Expands Naval Research Horizons for USNA Midshipmen Interns
August 28, 2024
U.S. Naval Academy (USNA) Summer Internship Program

Using High Resolution Mass Spectrometry to Study Fuel Chemistry
August 28, 2024
Dr. Mark Romanczyk

NRL LARADO Instrument to Detect Lethal Orbital Debris, Integrated on STP Satellite
August 28, 2024
Light-sheet Anomaly Resolution and Debris Observation (LARADO)

NRL, ONR-Global TechSolutions Provide Marines Littoral Operations Tactical Decision Aid
August 7, 2024

NRL Meteorologist Recognized for Contributions to Mountain Meteorology Research
August 1, 2024
Dr. James Doyle

NRL Scientists Identify New Class of Semiconductor Nanocrystals
July 31, 2024
NRL Materials Science and Technology Division

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