Home : Our Work : Field Sites : Scientific Squadron VXS-1 : Squadron Support

Flight Support 

VXS-1 operates and maintains two NP-3C Orion aircraft, an RC-12M Huron, a UV-18 Twin Otter, and numerous TigerShark Unmanned Aircraft Systems as airborne scientific research and technology development platforms. The men and women of the squadron provide the Naval Research Laboratory with airborne research platforms, conducting flight operations worldwide in support of a wide spectrum of projects and experiments. These include: magnetic variation mapping, hydro-acoustic research, bathymetry, electronic countermeasures, gravity mapping, and radar research. Committed to safety, VXS-1 has logged over 79,000 hours of accident-free flying since 1963.


  • Commanding Officer - The CO of VXS-1 is responsible for the daily management and administration of both military and civilian personnel; maintenance and operational issues for three deployable aircraft, which includes providing for their security; and the Aviation Safety Program..
  • Executive Officer - The XO, as the direct representative of the VXS-1 Commanding Officer, issues orders and directives to implement command policies. Using command instructions and policies set forth by the Commanding Officer, the Executive Officer is primarily responsible for the organization, manpower and strength, performance of duty, good order, and discipline of the entire squadron.
  • Administrative Branch - Interfaces with the Military Administration/ Personnel Branch (Code 1410) for the processing/administration of military records, awards, training, travel, and per diem issues for assigned personnel. Additionally the Branch is responsible for the promulgation of all VXS-1 policies, instructions, and notices.
  • Operations/Projects Branch - Coordinates the assignment of personnel and aircraft in the accomplishment of research missions. Additionally, the Branch interacts with the Operations Branch (Code1430) and project sponsor offices to accomplish scheduling, planning, and execution of projects during execution and out years. The Branch is responsible for the generation of the Daily Flight Schedule. Branch personnel ensure completion of flight physicals as well as ground and flight evaluations to maintain professional, medical, and physiological readiness.

  • Maintenance Branch - responsible for the maintenance, record keeping, reporting, and management of the assigned science and technology (S&T) modified NP-3C aircraft in accordance with applicable specifications and directives. The Branch ensures compliance with maintenance, safety, and security procedures as well as adherence to established programs to prevent fuel, hydraulic, and oil contamination and foreign object damage; and to ensure effective corrosion control. The Maintenance Branch maintains liaison with other codes to ensure aircraft can meet research requirements.
  • Safety/NATOPS/Training Branch - Ensures compliance with governing safety directives and Navy programs for aviation commands to include aircraft mishap reporting procedures and required proficiency drills. The Branch administers the Naval Air Training and Operating Procedures Standardization (NATOPS) Program for all assigned Code 1400 and Code 1600 aircrew and project specialists to include ground and in-flight evaluations. Branch personnel ensure compliance with all general military training requirements as well as command specified training.
  • Configurations Branch - Coordinates with research project sponsor technical staff, Maintenance Branch (Code 1640) and the Operations/ Projects Branch (Code 1630) to achieve integration of research project equipment onto assigned aircraft. Branch personnel coordinate with customer technical staff to identify specific equipment needs (space, weight, power, etc.). Additionally, Branch personnel interact with Naval Air Systems Command (NAVAIR) counterparts to arrange and obtain equipment installation approvals and flight clearances as well as with organic and external service providers to facilitate the installation and/or removal of specialized project equipment and support infrastructure. The Branch provides long-range planning capabilities to avoid conflict among future projects and to enable satisfaction of even the most demanding project requirements. The Configurations Branch maintains liaison with other codes to ensure assigned personnel can meet anticipated research requirements.

Military Support 

The Military Support Division provides operational and administrative services to NRL.


  • Operations Branch - Assists NRL Research Directorates in the planning and execution of project flight missions, develops deployment schedules and military operational and training objectives, and coordinates the Research Reserve Program within NRL. For coordination of projects and funding please contact (202) 404-8162.
  • Military Administration/Personnel Branch - Responsible for the coordination and efficient functioning of all military administrative operations for NRL, VXS-1, and all NRL detachment sites. These duties specifically include personnel actions, maintenance of personnel records, performance evaluations, awards and training and advising the NRL Commanding Officer and Chief Staff Officer on manpower matters and organization issues. For administrative of sponsor assistance, please contact (202) 767-7627/2103.
  • Administrative Office  - Responsible for providing civilian personnel and financial services for the Military Support Division (Code 1400) and Scientific Development Squadron (VXS) 1 (Code 1600). The AO also assists the division head (Code 1400) and VXS-1 commanding officer (Code 1600) in the achievement and maintenance of the effective and economical operation of the division and squadron. Specific functions include preparing and administering the division budgets; reviewing and analyzing the expenditure of division funds to ensure economy in such expenditures; reviewing proposed key division Requirements Documents (RDs) for organizational alignment and making recommendations to the division head; reviewing, analyzing, and modifying as necessary existing division financial processes and procedures; and assisting the division head in planning and providing space, services, and equipment to accommodate division operations, and coordinating these requirements with all appropriate NRL divisions.