Acoustic Signal Processing and Systems
- Underwater acoustic communications and networking
- Limits of array performance
- Waveguide invariant processing
- Acoustic field uncertainty
- Acoustic interactions with transonic/supersonic flows
- Acoustic noise forecasting
- Long-range underwater communications
- Underwater distributed sensing networks
- Ocean boundary scattering
- Acoustic propagation
- Acoustic inversion
- Characterization of reverberation
- Acoustic metamaterials
- Acoustics of microfluidic bubbly emulsions
- Active sonar performance modeling
- Compressive sensing
- Acoustic classification
- Nonlinear propagation
- Underwater acoustic network warfare
Acoustic Simulation, Measurements, and Tactics
- Ocean acoustic propagation and scattering models
- Fleet application acoustic models
- High-frequency seafloor and ocean acoustic measurements
- Riverine acoustics
- Distributed sensing networks
- Incorporating uncertainty in predictive models
- Tactical acoustic simulations and databases
- Warfare effectiveness studies and optimization
- Environmental assessment and planning tools